Monday, August 15, 2011


Raise your hand if you have adult acne. YEP, that's me!!!! Lucky me. LOL!!!
I grew up with light to moderate acne and boils from hell. I thought once I was past my teens and early twenties I would get past that and have nice skin. My skin has been really good for quite a few years but with in the last year I've noticed some different things happening to my skin.
Just about a year ago is when I started working out heavily. Sweating alot more. I noticed my forehead had a bunch of little bumps on it. At the time I thought I was having a reaction to something so I didn't think anything of it. I stuck with washing my face with Pro Activ and using the face mask. Eventually it would clear up. Then a few months ago I was watching some show and they were talking about adult on set acne. Apparently little bumps on the forehead or on your face in general is just one form of adult acne. I had absolutely no clue. Did you?
So within the last two and half months I've been walking and running alot more and sweating quite a bit. Guess what has returned. Very frustrating. I am still using the Pro Activ. When I use the mask on it it definitely calms it down. So I'm doing that but other than that I'm not sure what else to do. Any suggestions?
I'm using Bare Minerals Original Bisque to conceal. It helps if there is some redness but you really can't hide bumps. Bumps are bumps and there is no hiding that. :(
Anyone else having these problems? What are you doing to help clear it up?


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